Use this pane to create and modify steps for selecting data. The steps in this pane apply to all views for the analysis. You do not have to display the editor for a particular view to edit its selection steps.
For more information, see "Working with Selections of Data".
This pane is part of the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab", the "Analysis editor: Results tab", and certain view editors. This pane is not visible on the Criteria tab until you click the toolbar button to display it. The contents of this pane are displayed slightly differently on the Criteria tab if a column selector view is in use. See "Editing Column Selector Views" for information.
Use to select the columns or measures to view in the pane. You can view all columns and measures, just measures, or specific columns.
Column Area
Use to indicate the start of the list of steps for each column. For hierarchical columns, the name of the hierarchy is included with the column name. This area includes the following types of steps:
Start With — Serves as the starting selection for a column. This step is populated automatically when you select columns or hierarchy levels from a subject area.
For every column that you select, an implicit "Start with All Members" step is added for that column, where "All" implies all the members for the column after filters are applied.
For every hierarchy level that you select, an implicit "Start with all level-name" step is added for that level, where "All" implies all the members for the level after filters are applied. For example, if you select the Fiscal Quarter hierarchy level, then a step is created with a name such as "Start with All Fiscal Quarter".
Add — Adds the selected members to the selection.
Keep only — Keeps only the selected members and remove all others.
Remove — Removes the selected members from the selection.
Save Selection Steps
Click this button to display the "Save Selection Steps dialog" where you save the steps for the column or hierarchy level as a group. This button is available only when you have more than a single Start With step in the list for a column. This button is not available if you try to save a set of steps as a group and one of the steps includes a calculated item.
Then, New Step
Click this link to display the following options:
Select Members — Displays the "New Select Members dialog" where you create a step of the specified members.
Add Groups or Calculated Items — Displays a submenu with the following options:
Select Existing Groups and Calculated Items — Displays the "New Select Existing Groups and Calculated Items" where you select an existing group or calculated item.
New Group — Displays the "New Group dialog" where you add a new group.
New Calculated Item — Displays the "New Calculated Item dialog" where you add a new calculated item.
Apply a Condition — Displays the "New Condition Step dialog", where you create a condition step.
Select Members Based on Hierarchy — Displays the "New Hierarchy Selection Step dialog", which is available for hierarchical columns only.
Name of Group or Calculated Item
Click the link for a group or calculated item to display one of the following dialogs: "Edit Group dialog" or "Edit Calculated Item dialog".
Selection Step Toolbar
The selection step toolbar is the collection of buttons that displays when you hover over a selection step within the list of steps. It can include the following buttons:
Edit — Displays the dialog where you can edit the step. For a "Start with" step, this is the only button available.
Move Up — Moves this step one level up in the list of steps.
Move Down — Moves this step one level down in the list of steps.
Delete — Deletes this step from the list of steps.