Use this tab of the "Analysis editor" to create different views of the analysis results such as graphs, tickers, and pivot tables. For more information, see "Displaying the Results of Analyses".
Subject Areas
Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select the columns and hierarchy levels for an analysis and to work with subject areas.
Use the "Catalog pane" to display objects from the catalog to use with views.
Use the "Views pane" to create and modify views to work with analyses.
Compound Layout
Use the "Compound Layout" to assemble different views for display on a dashboard and to create additional layouts.
Selection Steps
Use the "Selection Steps pane" to create and modify steps for data selections.
This toolbar contains the following buttons:
Print this analysis — Use this button to specify whether to print the views for the analysis as HTML or PDF.
Export this analysis — Use this button to select an option for exporting the views for the analysis. For information, see "Export Menu Options for Views and Results".
Schedule — Use this button to save the analysis and then display the "Agent editor", where you can create an agent from the analysis. For more information, see "Creating Agents from Analyses".
Show how results will look on a Dashboard — Use this button to preview how the edited view is displayed on a dashboard.
Note: If the Show how results will look on a Dashboard button is not available, then the administrator has suppressed its display. |
Print Options — Use this button to display the "Print Options dialog", where you specify settings for printing.
Refresh the results of the current analysis — Use this button to refresh the results of the current analysis. Clicking this button does not bypass the Oracle BI EE server cache.
New View — Use this button to add a new view to the analysis and to access the recommended visualizations feature. The view is added to the current compound layout. You can select the Recommended Visualization for option to see a submenu of visualization specialties, such as Analyzing Trends or Comparing Percentages. Click on a visualization specialty to access the Select Visualization list, where you then choose from a ranking of recommended view types. If you would rather have the best view created for you immediately, without being presented with a list of recommendations, you can instead select the Best Visualization option.
For information on recommended visualizations, see "What Is the Recommended Visualizations Feature?"
New Group — Use this button to display the "New Group dialog", where you create a group.
New Calculated Item — Use this button to display the "New Calculated Item dialog", where you build calculated items.
Edit Analysis Properties — Use this button to display the "Analysis Properties dialog", where you specify properties for the entire analysis.
Import formatting from another analysis — Use this button to display the "Open dialog", where you select an analysis from which to import formatting for columns and views. For more information, see "Using a Saved Analysis to Modify the Cosmetic Appearance of Other Analyses".
Create Compound Layout — Use this button to create an instance of the compound layout. A new compound layout is displayed in a tab in the "Compound Layout" and contains only a title.
Copy Compound Layout — Use this button to create a copy of the current compound layout. The copy is displayed in a tab in the Compound Layout and contains the same views as the compound layout that you copied.
When you copy, you do not actually create additional copies of the analysis or its views. The analysis and views exist only once. Any changes that you make to the analysis or its views are reflected in the multiple instances of the compound layout.
Delete Compound Layout — Use this button to delete the current compound layout. The views on the layout are not deleted from the analysis. This button is not available if you attempt to delete the last compound layout in the analysis.
Rename Compound Layout — Use this button to display the "Rename View dialog", where you provide a new name for the compound layout.
Show/Hide Selection Steps Pane — Use this button to show or hide the display of the "Selection Steps pane" in the Results tab.