Use this tab of the Scorecard editor to create, view, and edit perspectives.
For more information, see:
Perspective Name
Use this field to enter the name of the perspective.
Use this field to enter a description of the perspective.
Business Owner
Displays the user ID of the person responsible for managing the perspective. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.
Displays the following options to indicate the focus of the perspective:
Financial — Use this option to specify that the perspective focuses on objectives, initiatives, and KPIs that relate to or support the monetary or economic health and development of your organization.
Internal facing — Use this option to specify that the perspective focuses on objectives, initiatives, and KPIs that form internal processes and functions, for example, employee training programs.
Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs
Lists the initiatives, objectives, and KPIs that are associated with this perspective.
Use this watchlist to view and manage these initiatives, objectives, and KPIs. See "Watchlists" for additional information.
Related Documents
Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the perspective.
This toolbar contains the following buttons:
Save — Use this button to save the perspective.
Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the perspective.