Use this pane as follows:
For an initiative or objective, to specify basic information about the initiative or objective, to identify the KPIs and other initiatives or objectives that support and measure the performance of the initiative or objective, and to add action links.
For KPI details, to view basic KPI settings and a graph that presents actual values and target values, to pin dimensions, and to run actions.
For more information, see:
This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab", the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab", and the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab".
Components for KPI Details
Displays a graph that presents actual values and target values that enable you to view KPI performance over time or using dimensions selected from the following:
The point of view area
The Dimensionality area below the graph
The graph shows multiple time periods only if trending was enabled in the KPI's definition.
Parent Initiative or Parent Objective
Displays the name of the parent initiative or the parent objective whose progress is measured by the KPI.
Displays the action links associated with each KPI performance level or range. Use to perform actions in response to the KPIs current performance state. (You add or edit the action links in the KPI definition. See "Adding Actions to KPIs" and "Editing Actions and Action Links Added to KPIs".)
Displays the following KPI values and data:
Actual — The KPI value that was manually entered, calculated, or referenced from the subject area.
Change — If you enabled trending, this is the value by which the current actual value differs from that from the previous period. For example, if the actual value for an "Annual Sales" KPI is 30000 and was 2650 last year, the change is 27350.
Target — The value that you want the KPI to achieve.
Variance — The amount by which the actual value differs from the target value.
% Variance — The amount by which the actual value differs from the target value expressed as a percentage.
% Change — If you enabled trending, this is the value by which the actual value differs from that from the previous period, as a percentage.
Indicator Type
Displays the following options to indicate whether the performance of the KPI drives other KPIs, or is affected by the performance of other KPIs, or other data or processes:
Undefined — Use this option to not define an indicator type.
Leading — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the KPI drives the performance of other KPIs. For example, a Sales KPI would lead a Profits KPI.
Lagging — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the KPI is affected by the performance of other KPIs, or by other data or processes.
Displays the perspectives available for the scorecard. Select the perspective with which to align the initiative or objective. For example, you might align an objective for Increased Product Sales with the Financial perspective.
For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"
Displays the dimensions associated with the KPI. Use this area to pin the dimensions.
Pinning is optional. Typically, it is best not to pin most of the dimensions so that the data is controlled by the point of view settings. For more information about pinning, see "What Are Dimensions and Pinned Dimension Values?"
To pin a dimension, click the down-arrow button to the right of the dimension and select one of the following options:
A specific value
Use Point-of-View — Use this option to use the value currently selected in the point of view area.
Use Variable — Use this option to display the "Select Variable dialog", where you specify a variable to use to set the value. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".
Components for Initiatives and Objectives
Displays the score for the initiative or objective in a gauge and numerically.
For more information on scores, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".
Parent Initiative or Parent Objective
Displays the name of the parent initiative (for an initiative) or the parent objective (for an objective).
Start Date
This box is available only for initiatives.
Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative is to begin and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.
Due Date
This box is available only for initiatives.
Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative is due and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.
Completion Date
This box is available only for initiatives.
Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative was actually completed and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.
Displays for the initiative or objective:
The number of its child initiatives or child objectives in each status.
The number of its child KPIs in each status.
If there is at least one child objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the child object or objects.
Displays for the initiative or objective:
The number of its descendant initiatives or objectives in each status.
The number of its descendant KPIs in each status.
If there is at least one descendant objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the descendant object or objects.
Displays the perspectives available for the scorecard. Select the perspective with which to align the initiative or objective. For example, you might align an objective for Increased Product Sales with the Financial perspective.
See "What Are Perspectives?" for additional information.
Assessment Formula
Displays the following options to specify the rule to be used to assess the overall performance of the initiative or objective:
Worst case — Use this option to specify that the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective is to be used.
Best case — Use this option to specify that the status of the best performing child KPI or objective is to be used.
Most Frequent (Worst Case) — Use this option to specify that, if half the child KPIs and objectives have high performance and half have low performance, then use the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective.
Most Frequent (Best Case) — Use this option to specify that, if half the child KPIs and objectives have high performance and half have low performance, then use the status of the best performing child KPI or objective.
Weighted — Use this option to use a weighted average based on the weights you have assigned to the child KPIs and objectives.
Indicator Type
Displays the following options to indicate whether the performance of the objective drives other objectives, or is affected by the performance of other objectives or other data or processes:
Undefined — Use this option to not define an indicator type.
Leading — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the objective drives the performance of other objectives. For example, an objective for Increased Sales would drive an objective for Increased Profits.
Lagging — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the objective is affected by the performance of other objectives or by other data or processes.
This box is available only for initiatives.
Displays the options High, Medium, and Low to identify the importance and urgency of an initiative.
Displays the action links that have been added to an initiative or objective, including the text of the action links, the actions associated with the links, and under which states of the objectives or initiatives the action links are enabled.
Use this area to view and manage action links:
To add a new action link, click the New Row button to display the "Action Link dialog".
To edit an action link, select the link in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the "Action Link dialog".
To delete an action link, select the link in the list and click the Delete Row button.
Initiatives & KPIs or Objectives & KPIs
Lists the following:
For an initiative, the KPIs and the child initiatives that are used to evaluate the performance of the initiative
For an objective, the KPIs and the child objectives that are used to evaluate the performance of the objective
Use this watchlist to view and manage these initiatives, objectives, and KPIs. For more information about watchlists, see "Watchlists".
To add a KPI to the watchlist, drag it from the "Catalog pane for Scorecard" and drop it on the watchlist. The "Add KPI dialog" is displayed, where you pin dimension values or assign a label for this usage of the KPI.
A watchlist is a table that lists scorecard objects (that is, initiatives, objectives, and KPIs) that are related to a particular aspect of a scorecard or are grouped together for a particular purpose.
See "Understanding Watchlists" for additional information.
Displays these options:
Open — This option is not available in the New KPI watchlist. Use this option to open the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.
Open KPI Definition — This option is available only in the New KPI watchlist. Displays the "KPI editor", where you edit the selected KPI.
Edit Watchlist Entry — This option is available only in the New KPI watchlist. Displays the "Edit Watchlist Entry dialog", where you edit the dimension values and label for the selected KPI.
Delete — This option is not available in the New KPI watchlist or the Breakdown watchlist. Use this option to delete the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.
Remove KPI — This option is available only in the New KPI watchlist. Removes the selected KPI from the watchlist.
Analyze — Use this option to create an analysis based on the KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.
Note: Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders. |
Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can send a message to the business owner of the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.
Add KPI — This option is available only for the watchlist in the New KPI Watchlist editor, and for the watchlists on the Objective Details and Initiative Details tabs in the Scorecard editor. Use this option to display the "Select a KPI dialog", where you select a KPI to add.
Displays these options:
Show More Columns — Use this option to display the "Show More Columns dialog", where you add columns to or remove columns from the watchlist. Table E-7 lists and describes some of the commonly used columns.
Change Column Labels — This option is available only in a New KPI watchlist. Use this option to display the "Change Column Labels", where you change the labels of the columns. Table E-7 lists and describes some of the commonly used columns.
Clear Column Sort — This option is available only in a smart watchlist. Use this option to clear any column sorting in effect.
With this option, the order of the rows may change. If the filter criteria for the smart watchlist does not imply a sort order (for example, Best Performance implies sorting on the% variance), the rows might display indentation to show object hierarchy.
Displays, of the initiatives, objectives, and KPIs that are used to evaluate the performance of this initiative, objective, or KPI, the number that fall into each assessment range, for example, OK (2), Critical (1). For a smart watchlist, it also displays the total number of objects that are listed.
Pinned Key Performance Indicator (in a cell in the Label column)
This blue pin indicates that a KPI has one or more pinned dimensions. See "What Are Dimensions and Pinned Dimension Values?" for additional information.
Sort Ascending
This button is not available in all watchlists. Displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over a column heading. Use this button to sort the values in a column by ascending order.
Column sorting is preserved only in smart watchlists. In a smart watchlist, column sorting:
Can be cleared using the Clear Column Sort option on the View menu.
Is preserved when the smart watchlist is saved, but only if the Scorecard editor is in Edit mode. It is not preserved if the Scorecard editor is in View mode.
Disables any indentation in the watchlist.
Sort Descending
This button is not available in all watchlists. Displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over a column heading. Use this button to sort the values in a column by descending order.
Column sorting is preserved only in a smart watchlist. In a smart watchlist, column sorting:
Can be cleared using the Clear Column Sort option on the View menu.
Is preserved when the smart watchlist is saved, but only if the Scorecard editor is in Edit mode. It is not preserved if the Scorecard editor is in View mode.
Disables any indentation in the watchlist.
Red asterisk (in a cell in the Status column)
This symbol is available only if there are status overrides applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI. Use this symbol to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override.
Blue triangle (in the upper-right corner of a cell in the Status column and in other columns for a KPI)
This symbol is available only if there are comments attached to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current dimension settings. Use this button to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment.
Highlighted Actual Value or Target Value Cells
A box displays around actual values and target values that have been set to writeable in the "KPI editor: General Properties page". This means that you or the end user can modify the value and submit that value to the repository. If you submit a value for a value to which you were not granted access, then the box will display red and the "Insufficient dimensional slice security for slice with dimension values" error message displays. For more information, see "What Are Target Settings?".
Right-click menu in a column cell
The options that are available depend on the tab in which the watchlist is displayed and on the column in which you right-clicked, and can include the following:
Action Links — Displays the action links that are available for the current status of the initiative, objective, or KPI. Click a link to execute the action.
Open KPI (for a cell in a KPI row only) — Displays the KPI details for the selected KPI (that is, the details are displayed in the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab").
Remove KPI (for a cell in a KPI row only) — Use this option to remove the selected KPI from the KPI watchlist.
Open Initiative or Open Objective (for a cell in an initiative or objective row only) — Use this option to open the selected initiative or objective (that is, it is displayed in the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" or "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab" in the current mode).
Delete Initiative or Delete Objective (for a cell in an initiative or objective row only) — Use this option to delete the selected initiative or objective.
Analyze (for a cell in a KPI row only) — Use this option to create an analysis based on the selected KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.
Note: Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders. |
Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you compose a message to the business owner.
Add Comment (for a cell in the Status column only) — Displays the "Add Comment dialog", where you add a comment to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.
Override Status (for a cell in the Status column only) — Displays the "Status Override dialog", where you override the status of an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view or cancel an override.
The Status window shows the following information:
If you are working with comments, all the comments that have been added to, and all status overrides and override cancellations that have been applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.
If you are working with status overrides, all status overrides and override cancellations that have been applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.
Use this window to view and manage this information as follows:
To add a new comment, click the New Comment button to display the "Add Comment dialog".
To override a status or cancel an override, click the New Override button to display the "Status Override dialog".
To expand or collapse all comments, click the Expand All or Collapse All button.
To expand or collapse an individual comment, click the Expand or Collapse button.
To reply to a comment, click Reply to display the "Reply dialog".
To pin the Status window so that it stays open as you work, click the Pin button in the top-right corner of the window.