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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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My Account dialog: Preferences tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to specify your account's display preferences.

For more information, see:


Starting Page

Use this box to select the dashboard to display when you sign in to Oracle BI Enterprise Edition. Note the following options:

Locale (location)

Use this box to select a locale. The locale usually corresponds to the language that you specify in the User Interface Language field or the country from where you are working. For example, your specified language is English and your locale can be English - United States or English - Canada.

The locale that you select determines the date and time formats, daylight saving time settings, and currency formats settings.

User Interface Language

Use this box to select the language in which you want the Oracle BI EE interface to display. The language that you specify here persists, unless, for example, it is overridden for the session by the language that you specify in the "Sign In page". If your language is overridden, then the cause of the override displays in a second box within this field.

Time Zone

Use this box to select the time zone to apply when viewing content. This option is useful if you do not reside in the same physical location as the default time zone that was set by the administrator, and you want to select another time zone. For example, suppose that the Oracle BI Server that sends you alerts resides in the US Pacific time zone, but your work location is in the US Central time zone. After you set the Central time zone as your preferred time zone setting, the delivered time on your alerts is displayed in Central time.

Your account's time zone automatically applies to any items that you create, modify, run, receive, and print. The date and time columns included in analyses are displayed according to the content designer. The content designer can force a specific time zone to be displayed in the column or can allow your default time zone to be displayed in the column. A clock button is displayed in the column heading, and when you hover over this button, the name of the time zone used in the column is displayed.

For more information on how the administrator sets the Oracle BI Server time zone, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


This box is available only if the administrator has configured the userpref_currencies.xml file. For information, see "Configuring Currency Options" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Use this box to select the currency in which to view currency columns in dashboards and analyses.

This selection:

The administrator defines the currency options that are available in this box.

Prompts Auto-Complete

Use this field to enable or disable the auto-complete functionality for your account. Choosing Off disables auto-complete for all dashboards that you access, and disables the auto-complete functionality when you search for prompt values in the "Select Values dialog".

When enabled, Oracle BI EE suggests and highlights matching prompt values as you type in the dashboard's prompt selection field and highlights matching prompts values in the search dialog. See "What Is Auto-Complete?"

Analysis Editor

Use this option to specify which editor you want to use when you work with analyses:

Accessibility Mode

Use this option to select whether content for Oracle BI EE is rendered in a browser in a way that facilitates the use of a screen reader.

If you select On, then the BI Composer wizard in accessibility mode will be used as the analysis editor, regardless of the setting of the Analysis Editor component.

If you select Off, and the setting of the Analysis Editor component is Wizard (limited functionality), then the BI Composer wizard in regular mode will be used as the analysis editor.

This setting persists unless it is overridden for the session by the accessibility mode setting in the "Sign In page".

If you had selected accessibility mode on sign in and you turn off accessibility mode here, it will override the accessibility mode setting in the Sign In page.

For information, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."