Use this dialog to specify properties for displaying values in various locations such as in a column or hierarchy level of data, in a view such as a table, and in a column or section that you are adding to a dashboard page.
In this dialog, a setting of Default (System) indicates that a user has not yet overridden the default values that were provided during installation. Each property has only one default setting at a time.
For table, pivot table, and trellis views, the formatting that you specify in this dialog applies to the look of the view. The formatting is displayed slightly differently in a pivot table. For example, the default colors differ for tables and pivot tables.
For more information, see:
Chapter 7, "Formatting Analyses, Views, and Dashboard Pages"
"Changing the Properties of Objects Added to Dashboard Pages"
This dialog is also displayed as:
Note: Not all components are available in each version of this dialog. |
The toolbar displays only in those instances in which you can copy and paste cell formatting properties from one location to another. The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) — Use this button to remove the specifications that you have made and to return the settings to the values that they had when defaults were last saved.
The Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) and the Copy Cell Format buttons affect the settings in the following ways:
If the dialog has no tabs, then the button affects all the settings in the dialog.
If the dialog has multiple tabs, then the button affects only those settings in the tab in which the button is displayed.
Copy Cell Format — Use this button to copy the formatting specifications from the dialog, so that you can apply them elsewhere.
Paste Cell Format — Use this button to paste the formatting that you have copied into the appropriate location.
This box applies to totals that you include with tables and pivot tables. Use this box to specify custom text to insert into a total heading. Enter the text as follows
@ — Displays the value of the data
For example, if a total is specified for the Region column, and you enter the following text into the Caption field for the total heading:
- All values in the @
The total heading would display the following text for the Western Region:
- All values in the Western Region
"@" — Displays the @ symbol
"\"" — Displays the double quote
"\\" — Displays the \ symbol
\ — Displays the \ symbol
The double quote syntax is not limited to a single character. In general you can use a backslash escaped string inside double quotes. For example:
"1234567890\\abc\\d\"x\"yz!@#$%^&*()-+=_{}[];:'|?/><,.` ~"
Is displayed as:
1234567890\abc\d"x"yz!@#$%^&*()-+=_{}[];:'|?/><,.` ~
For more information, see "Adding Totals to Tables and Pivot Tables".
Use this box to select the font family.
Size (Cell)
Use this field to enter the font size.
Use this box to select the font color.
Use this box to select the font style, such as bold or italic.
Use this box to select the font effects, such as underline or strike through.
Horizontal Alignment
Use this box to select the type of horizontal alignment, such as left, right, or center.
Background Color
Use this box to select the color of the background.
Vertical Alignment
Use this box to select the type of vertical alignment, such as top, bottom, or center. Vertical alignment does not have any impact unless the column spans multiple rows of other columns.
Use this field to specify the image to display inside of the cell. When you click the field, the Graphics dialog is displayed. For more information, see "Graphics dialog".
Wrap Text
Use this box to wrap the text within the column.
Note that if the width of a word extends beyond the width of the column, then the column is extended so as not to divide the word.
Border Position
Use this box to select the position of the border of the cell, column, or section, such as none or all. You can select or deselect custom borders by clicking the top, bottom, left, and right borders near the Position list.
Border Style
Use this box to select the style of the border, such as single, double, or thick.
Border Color
Use this box to select the color of the border.
Size (Additional Formatting Options)
These options are available only when this dialog is displayed as the Column Properties dialog or the Section Properties dialog.
Use these options to specify how a container (that is, a column or section) in a dashboard page is to be sized:
Best Fit — The way this option sizes the container depends on the setting of the Page Size option in the "Dashboard Properties dialog". If Page Size is set to:
Fit Content, then this option:
Sizes the container to fit the content
Aligns content within the container to the left, by default
Fill Browser Window, then this option:
Expands the container to fill the browser window, if the browser window is bigger than the content
Aligns content within the container to the center, by default
This Best Fit option is the default for new dashboards.
Specific Size — Sets the container to the size specified in the Width and Height fields. If the container is smaller than needed to fit the content, a scroll bar is displayed.
If a dashboard page contains a frozen column, you might need to set this option to ensure that any remaining content on the page will be visible. For more information on freezing a column, see "Properties Buttons for Objects".
Note that this option is set automatically if you enter a value in the Width or Height field.
Minimum Size — Sets the container to at least the size specified in the Width and Height fields but increases the size if necessary to accommodate the content. A scroll bar is never displayed with this option.
When you print a dashboard page that includes a container in which a scroll bar is displayed, the entire container is printed, including the scroll bar.
You can also set the page size (either Fit Content or Fill Browser Window) at the dashboard level. For more information, see "Dashboard Properties dialog".
Use this field to specify the width of the cell, column, or section on the page.
Use this field to specify the height.
Indent (Left Padding)
Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the left padding).
Right Padding
Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the right padding).
Top Padding
Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the top padding).
Bottom Padding
Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the bottom padding).
Use Custom CSS Style
Use this box to specify a custom cascading style sheet style to use for formatting, for example, background-color: #ff0000; font-size:28pt.
Use Custom CSS Class
Use this box to specify a custom cascading style sheet class to use for formatting.
Note: Attributes within the Border, Additional Formatting Options, and Custom CSS Style Options (HTML only) sections are not available for performance tile views. |